On August 29, 1976, Hal Needham hosted an "Ugly Dog Contest" to find a local dog to play the part of Snowman's dog; Fred.

Burt Reynolds announces that John McCullough's dog; Happy is the winner

An article was published in The Atlanta Constitution newspaper on Thursday 8/26. The criterion was to find "the dumbest, ugliest, most lethargic male dog in the Southeast." By 2 pm on Sunday, a total of 432 dogs had arrived for the competition at the Atlanta Civic Center. Hal Needham narrowed the contestants down to 10 finalists. Burt Reynolds was the judge tasked with choosing from the final lineup.

Burt selected a 2-year-old basset hound named "Happy," owned by John McCullough. One of the perks of using his dog was that John earned a bit part in the movie. He played one of the bikers in the scene where Snowman gets into a bar fight.


John McCullough was an extra in the bar fight scene

See the full Filming Schedule for more interesting stories.
