** DELETED SCENE ** Alabama Trooper...Again - Scenes 300-302 ** ADDED SCENE ** Foxy Lady & Mistaken Identity - Scenes 302-302D

The script changed quite a bit from July 30th to September 2nd. Names changed, the blocker car changed, Junior was added and because of last minute budget cuts, scenes were deleted.

One of the deleted scenes was to appear after the convoy/rocking chair scene. The Alabama trooper that Bandit escaped from was to reappear at the Alabama/Georgia state line only to have Bandit taunt him. That scene was deleted and the scene with Buford arresting the captain with Foxy Lady, thinking he was the Bandit, was added in. Keep in mind in the original script, Junior didn't exist. It is a memorable scene but would not be so without Junior.

Copies of both scripts are below for comparison. Enjoy!

Bonus Story...when this scene was filmed, Hal Needham asked Ronnie Gay if he wanted to play the part of the captain. Ronnie worked for the Georgia Highway Patrol and was assigned to the movie for security and logistic support. Ronnie stated that he didn't think the GHP would be too happy with one of their troopers in that roll and declined the offer. The part was then given to Mel Pape. Mel was Jackie Gleason's long time personal assistant and had bit parts in other movies:

Mel Pape on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0660404/
